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Share Your News!

Spread your nachas, share your news, or welcome your guests in the Newsletter for an $18 donation. Complete the form below. All submissions are subject to our submission policies.

Please include all relevant information that you would like printed in the Newsletter. We reserve the right to edit or alter your announcement to fit the available space or to conform to our stylistic guidelines.


Newsletter Sponsorship

The Newsletter is available for sponsorship! For just $36/wk, or $100/mth (4 wks), your business can reach nearly 400 email addresses and 200 live readers with a message of support for YI Denver. Email for more information or to start your sponsorship this week!

Submission Policies

We are happy to include shorts blurbs for community events, free of charge, if they are deemed to be of interest to our members and reflect the values of YI Denver. To submit an announcement for the Newsletter, email All submissions must be received by Wednesday at 12:00 noon. Our policy is not to include flyers or graphic advertisements for community events, even for payment, but newsletter sponsorship is available. We also do not include announcements relating to private local businesses from members or non-members. Announcements relating to such occasions as births, Bar and Bat MItzvah celebrations, engagements, weddings, and condolences of immediate relatives are included free of charge if submitted by Shul Members and Associate Members. News of a more personal nature, such as an award, job promotion, or the visit of a relative or friend, can be included for an $18 donation by completing the form elsewhere on this page. YI Denver reserves the right to reject a proposed announcement, or to alter or condense it to fit the space available or to conform to our stylistic guidelines, even without prior notification to the submitting person or organization. If a paid announcement is unable to be printed for any reason, the payment will be refunded.

Newsletter Subscriptions

The Newsletter is sent by email each Thursday night, with a special edition published before each major holiday, and printed copies are available at YI Denver throughout Shabbat. If you're not getting the weekly Newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each Thursday night, find "Join Our Mailing List" on the right side of this page, click "Manage My Subscriptions," and complete the form. Your subscription will begin with the next Newsletter.

Cholim List

Click here to add or delete names on the Newsletter Cholim List. The list is cleared each Rosh Chodesh of names not marked as keep.

Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785