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High Holidays 2024

A) Seating:

Please fill out the information for those who will be attending services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

(Please note that if one only plans to attend services on one day, the price structure remains the same).

Members: Free 
Guests: Adults $100, Students $18 
(Finances should not be an impediment to attending YID, 
please reach out to for assistance.)

B) YIDKID Children's Program:

Childcare (6 months - 4th grade) 
Children will be separated into age appropriate groups.
Snacks will be provided.
Please bring the following for each child:
 - A Kosher dairy or pareve lunch.
 - A water bottle clearly labeled with the child's name.
 - Diapers & wipes for kids who need.

Session Times (subject to change)
Rosh Hashana: 9:00 am - end of services
Kol Nidrei: 5:40 pm - end of services
Yom Kippur Day: 9:00 am - end of services
Neilah: 5:40 pm - end of services

All five sessions: $75 per child
Individual sessions: $20 per session per child

$20 per selected session or $75 for all 5

$20 per selected session

$20 per selected session

$20 per selected session

$20 per selected session
By selecting "I Agree", I hereby authorize the Young Israel of Denver staff to care for the child(ren) listed. I understand that I must remain on the premises while my child(ren) is/are enrolled in this program.

The Yamim Noraim are a large part in the funding of the various programs and initiatives of the shul. Please consider a donation now and then pledging an additional amount during the Yom Kippur Appeal to help Young Israel of Denver continue to strengthen the Denver Jewish community.
Your registration is not complete until payment is processed. Click the Submit button below to proceed to payment.
Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785